The Maker Faire Robot in 4 fast cuts!
The size in the dxf file is for 40mm styrofoam. But you can double the size by using 80mm styrofoam (or two parts of 40mm).
See the pictures for the order of the cuts.
The second cut should be placed 0.5mm lower than the first. To do this exactly, place the second path on the first before clearing the first.
The fourth cut should be placed 0.5mm lower than the third. To do this exactly, place the fourth path on the third before clearing the first.
If you have problems to cut this, use the comments on the back of the page to ask questions.
Getting colors with acrylic paint (wall paint, hobby paint... but acrylic!)
Small magnets are glued into the arms and the body with epoxy glue to allow the arms to move. (You can do the same with the head!)